
Saturday, May 11, 2013


" all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight..." –Proverbs 3:6

Another testimony. Has been amazingly directed my path, now Christ miraculously works in another perfect timing. After accepting Him as my personal savior and surrendering my life and future to His mighty hands, He led me to study English Literature at Binus University and gave me a job as a Translator at FremantleMedia for two years, which is such a great blessing. Day by day has been passed with His accompaniment. He has been so faithful in providing everything I need. 

Today I feel glad to share another testimony of how He opens my path for the next journey with Him. Let’s do a flashback to 2 years ago when I was accepted at FremantleMedia. I was so grateful and amazed of how God prepared everything so wonderfully. So, at that time after I knew that God didn’t intend me to become a flight attendant and He wanted me to stay at FM, I said to myself, “I’m going to work here faithfully and gain experience for at least 2 years.” 

Everything went well until 2012 almost ended. I thought, “Well, it’s almost 2 years. I have to find something new and get out from this comfort zone. What should I do next? Where do You want me to go?” There were 2 options in my mind: Applying for scholarship (again) OR applying for work & holiday visa in Australia. If I wanted to do the first option, I had to wait quite long for the selection process, and after that long time I was afraid I wouldn’t pass the selection again just like last year. Moreover, among all scholarships, I thought I was more interested in Chevening Scholarship but the application opened in September and at that time I couldn’t meet the requirement of 2 year-full time working experience. So I had to wait until next year. 

On the other hand, if I chose the second option, well it was not easy too. My friends said the quota was only for 100 persons and it’s really hard to get the Letter of Government Support (which is one of the requirements). I knew one person who used an agent to handle his application and he still didn’t get that letter (Rp. 15 million gone). I heard another person who got the letter years ago because she called the official and paid a sum of money. Since I was anti-bribery, I would never do that. And to make it worse, the fact that we have to pay the visa fee 365 AUD and it’s not refundable if our application is rejected. The quota was only 100! I thought I would never try. 

Actually, in December 2012 I got the chance to work with the Executive Producer of FremantleMedia Australia (read here) and when I had a chit chat with her about this visa, she said she would write a reference letter for me if I needed one. It lifted my spirit up. I still didn’t know what God’s plan was but my heart simply wondered, “Is it a clue?” 

Fast forward to the end of February 2013, I had spent days and weeks praying and wondering what to do now. Should I continue another year working here or should I move? I had a lot of dreams. I wanted to travel. I wanted to earn money. I wanted to study too. I was so confused. I started digging on Jobstreet, to find some inspiration of vacancy I might be interested in. It resulted in disappointment. I got so frustrated because I found nothing. No job or company I wanted to apply. Unexpectedly, there was a voice tenderly speaking in my heart, “Why are you so confused? Don’t worry child, I’ve got a plan for you. I’ve prepared something for you after this one.” All at once, peace flew in my heart and I closed that site and stopped looking. 

The next day, I got information from my high school friend that the quota increased from 100 to 1000! I was both surprised and excited! Woo-hoo! If the quota was that many, maybe I could have a chance to get one without bribing! I checked the website of Indonesian Immigration, and yes that news was true! So on Saturday I applied online and I got the respond immediately. My interview would be on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. Amazed, I prepared everything and asked my supervisor’s permission. Thank God my supervisor is an open-person. Read the complete story and how to apply for WHV here

So, after dropping the application on March 19 and medical check up on March 28, I was in the waiting process. The official length of visa processing is 90 days. But most people said that usually it doesn’t take that long, one month is enough. So, I just wait and pray and wait and pray. I didn’t know whether this was what God meant or not. There was a burden in my heart during this waiting time. We had to have 5000 AUD in our bank account, and I just transferred that sum like 2 days before my interview for Letter of Government Support, which meant less than one month before my visa application. People said that we’d better have the money settled at least 3 months in our account. If not, the Embassy would be suspicious because they thought we just borrowed somewhere and would return it after the visa’s grant. 

So, it’s hard to say that I was not worried at all when waiting. I did worry, a bit. I just kept reminding myself that “God will work if this is His will”. I also learnt that God wanted to teach me a lot about patience. When April had ended, the spark of worry popped again. Already one month and still no news! 

On the forty first day, I messaged my godmother and she reminded me, “Keep calm. Wait on the Lord. Wait for His kairos. Keep on having faith.” So I do. 

On the forty second day, someone I knew when I had my interview BBM me and said, “My visa has been granted, how about you?” Worry crept in my mind and attacked me again. Just for few seconds because my heart kept saying, “Wait on the Lord. He’s teaching you about patience.” 

On the forty next and next day, I waited, and waited, faithfully counting the day. Mommy kept asking, and my answers were all same, “Not yet.” 

On the forty nine day, May 7, 2013. In one sunny morning, I expected nothing. I worked as usual and it’s like about 10.30 I opened my Hotmail and I got this!

I opened it with shaking hand and I barely could read properly because I was so tremble. My eyes wandered randomly just to find one word: GRANTED

So, yay! I’m going to Australia! This was the first country I knew when I was a kid. I always dreamed to go there and pet koalas and kangaroos! Going to see snow for the first time of my life! Sure if I may have the chance, I want to visit Hobbiton in New Zealand, too! Can’t wait to explore and begin my new journey. I’m not afraid of being jobless at all there, because I know He who takes me there, He who will take care of me. I’m just a bit afraid of leaving people I love for one year, especially mommy and Dogai. I’m afraid of homesickness. Hehe. But I think I should just enjoy the trip and the new experience ahead. 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank Jesus Christ for everything, and some people, especially mommy, my uncle, and Jemma for her sweet reference letter. Not forget to mention my kind supervisor who has supported me and trusted me. Then for Kebo & Elmo, for giving me the information, and my godmother and AO friends who have prayed for me, also for Titin, for your bedroom to stay in Binus when I was processing my Letter of Bank Guarantee. Thank you so much!

I plan to resign from FremantleMedia in July or August and depart to Perth for my first destination, since Elmo & my godmother are there. 2 years working at FremantleMedia has been such an experience and I do have many awesome memories to be remembered. Will share the story later on a post entitled Farewell Fremantle, It’s a Beautiful Ending

As I always believe,
God has been good and He will always be. 


  1. congrats sombaaiii... i'm so happy for you.. pulang2 bawa cowok sombie bule yaaaa, jok lali dikenalno d ak.. congratulation and celebration!! #bighug

    1. Bener bawa sombi jantan bule :p

  2. Nice Louie... How are you today? still in Ausie? or back to Indo? could you please kindly share your experience over there? Thank you.

    1. Hi! You can read my experience in my other blog posts. ;)

  3. great post Louie, Australia is my dream destination, want see cangaros same like your wish
