
Sunday, November 25, 2012


As usual, got extremely blessed by Pastor Adrian Rogers from Love Worth Finding Ministries. So I was feeling like a walking dead this week, waiting for the email that hasn't or maybe won't come. Clueless for the future, no spirit at all to work, just like a daily routine with no passion inside. Even finding my self hard to pray as if I felt numb and passionless when trying to communicate with my Father. Fear and anxiety had been my companions days ago, when everything seemed so hopeless and dark. My head kept saying that what I want is what I need. I will be happy if I get that and I will be sad if I don't. Will God give it to me or not? How if not? It's so hard to learn that it's not my will, but His. That I should focus on Him instead of that thing. And He sent me this on the same day:

Just Keep Praying.  
"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26.   
There's an old song with the refrain "Just keep on praying 'til light breaks through." When You don't feel like praying, that's when you need to. You need to pray until you do feel like praying. You see, you're not praying by yourself. The Spirit is praying through you and for you, helping to present your petitions to the Father -- petitions that perhaps you yourself are not even capable of expressing. Do not approach God with your hands full of the brass of your emotions. Rather, approach Him with hands and heart full of the sweet incense of His worth. Just keep praying. 
How's your prayer life? Do you say grace before meals and squeeze in a quick prayer before you drop off to sleep each night? Take some time today to talk to the Lord. 

True Joy and Peace Come from the Lord Alone. 
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee." Isaiah 26:3. 
You may admit that God is necessary, but do you honestly know that God is enough and that He is, in fact, more than enough? To find out if God is enough for you, let me ask you a couple of questions. Where do you obtain your joy? Is it from the Lord or from somewhere else? If your joy is from your health and it goes, then your joy will fly out the window. 
Many a believer has lost his health, his business, his family, his reputation, but has still maintained his joy because the source of genuine contentment and peace is in God. Indeed, one may not know that God is enough until God is all one has.

Well that's true. I learn that my source of joy should be Him instead of my achievement, my dream-come-true, my pride, and so on. That's what will keep me happy and joyful. Something that can't be taken away, something that I will always receive. Something that is always sufficient for me. His Grace, He and He alone.

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