
Friday, January 28, 2011



“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”  ~G.K. Chesterton

          I would like to present my first greatest honor for Jesus Christ for His incredibly and miraculously awesome blessing through the process of writing this thesis. Thank you Jesus for accompanying me every single second of my life, to lift me up when I am down, to cheer me up when I lose my confidence. Thank you for sending these great people to help me in writing my thesis.
             Second is for my family, especially my parents. Thank you to my father who supports me financially and my mother who supports me physically and emotionally to accomplish this research. Thank you my brother Suharjo Winoto Djais and my sister Lenni Andriana Djais for the supports. Not forget to mention my aunts and uncles for the chance I have been through that leads me to the day I stand today.
Third is for my wonderful English Department where I share and study and consult for these 3.5 years. Thank you Mrs. Risa Rumentha Simanjuntak, SS.,M.App.Ling., M.A. as the Head of English Department. Thank you Mr. Irfan Rifai, S.Pd., M.Ed. as the Deputy of English Department. Thank you Mrs. Asma Shakil, B.Sc., MA as my beloved mentor who has spared her time and energy to help me finish this thesis. I will not make it without you. Thank you for keeping me in track and being very patient while mentoring me. Thank you Mr. Akun, S.Pd., M.Hum. and Ms. Paramita Ayuningtyas, S.Hum., M.Hum, for the brainstorming, I find that analyzing literature is interesting because of you. Thank you for all lecturers in Binus University English Department, I love you and admire you all so much.
Forth is for my fellows in Binus University. I would like to thank Mr. Anddy Steven not only for the brainstorming but also for encouraging and lifting up my spirit, and Mr. Comi for reminding me to think out of the box. Thank you HIMSI for being the colorful part in my college moments. Thank you Maria Hernanda for helping me find my thesis topic and Nicholas Christian for answering all my questions. Thank you Christin Natalia, Belinda, and Amelia Winnie for everything you have done in helping me writing this thesis. Thank you Stephina for the novels, Jenny for the book, Agnes for the internet connection, Patmawati for the printing, and Felicia for the job. Thank you Nathania and Philip for keeping my spirit up. Not forget to mention the time we have shared together during the hectic time while composing this thesis.
Fifth is for my Alpha-Omega friends. I want to thank Mrs. Anik Suharianto for being my inspirational godmother and strengthening me with your prayers. Thank you my friends, Melina and Maya for the encouragement. Thank you Ernestina for the prayers, Andreas and Robby for making me laugh while I was stressed out. Thank you all my other beloved friends forever, without you the process of writing will be black and white.
Last but not least, I want to thank you all who have helped me directly or indirectly, academically or spiritually. Forgive me if I cannot mention your name one by one here but your help will remain in my heart forever. I know the phrase ‘Thank you’ cannot represent my big gratitude, but at least I want you to know that you are awesome. Thank you.


  1. ^^ hehehe....sorry if i just gave u a very2 little help....fighting!!!

  2. kaga bisa mencantumkan nama tadi >.<...^^ hehehe....sorry if i just gave u a very2 little help....fighting!!!

  3. laikkkkkkkk....^^ selamattt yahh.. ihik ihik ihik

  4. Ternyataaa.. Emang jalannya gw harus beli ya wig.. :) Paling ga, walau gw ga pake akhirnya.. hahaha.. ada gunanya juga.. :D Sori juga kalo cuma bantu dikit.. Tapi moga2 lu seneng.. :)
    Gw baca blog lu ini malah jadi sedih, kayak bakal pisah jauh gitu.. >.<" Life must go on.. Semangat ya.. \(^.^)/ masih ada sidang yang menunggu ~
    Masih bisa jalan2 bareng kan ntar.. :D hehehe..

  5. terharuuuuuuuu
    padahal masih ada presentasi,sidang,tanya jawab,sesi pembantaian (maksudnya kita yang membantai para executor eh.. examiner huehehhe)
    Best of luck for us all!
    God bless.......

  6. Ya ampun, gw gk nyangka nama gw bkalan masuk n di bagian itu pula!
    sob sob sob
    muup kalo gw gk isa bantu mpe akhir >__<

    Btw dr kemarin hawa2 u dah kyk gk bkalan balik binus lg kun T___T

    cayo, semangat wat sidang ntar ^0^
    sering2 spa ke XXI dah byar gk stress u :p

  7. hah? masa c hawa gw ky ga bakal balik binus? hahahha ga mgkn banget, wisuda aja belooommm :))

    hoi hoi jgn pd bilang bantuannya kecil2, bantuan kalian u gede2 banget tau, hoho..

  8. Hahaha.... Very nice, I was touched and proud to read it. I always believe one thing, if you definitely can make it happen someday, and I hundred percent correct. Congrats. ;)

  9. Katherine Johnson26 June 2013 at 10:19

    It is always good to give gratitude to people who help and supported you along the journey of your thesis writing. And from the looks of it, you certainly have a lot of people to give thanks to that helped you with your graduate thesis. Anyway, did you publish your thesis paper online? Well, I would certainly love to read academic paper.
