
Saturday, December 04, 2010


Polar bear is one of my favorite animals in this world. I can’t explain how cute and cool they are. They are just adorable, with gorgeous body, awesome white thick fur, and pleasant face like that. Beside Polar bear, we also have arctic seals, foxes, wolves, owls, penguins, and many more. I believe many souls fall for their cuteness. 
Years ago, I liked to collect their photographs with my friend, Maya. We had no internet connection at that time, so after attending mass in the church, we usually go to the internet café for browsing. I still can remember how we screamed hysterically while collecting those photos, because those animals were so amazing. We love them so much! But today, while looking at those pictures again, my heart is painful. 
I can’t stand see them extinct. I don’t want to lose such beautiful creatures in this world, really I don’t want to. However, I realize that I haven’t done much to prevent it. I just did a little thing, a little thing that won’t make big effect for our big earth. But yesterday I attended a seminar that discuss about Climate Change in Binus International. I was sleepy so much at that time, but I still got the core message I think, and that message leads me to write this. Although we are young, it doesn’t mean that we can’t do something, contribute for our environment. Precisely, it’s because we are young, that makes us haven’t had family to take care of, financial problems to be stressed out with, or bad health that prevent us doing many great things. It’s because we are still young, so we don’t need to worry about several things. It’s because we are young, we are healthy and strong enough to do something great. I think it was said by Alanda, the founder of The Cure for Tomorrow. 
At night, in the Trans Jakarta’s shelter, I was stopped by a WWF’s activist named Hotlan. As I’d ever experienced before when I was stopped by Greenpeace’s activist, he offered the same thing, to help reducing the effects of Climate Change by taking some actions. They are doing the reforestation in Indonesia and each month they need 76 million rupiah. That’s why they were standing in shelters and on the street all day long, to raise people’s concern of this issue and hope these people will donate their money to help taking part in this action. But I haven’t been 26 years old yet, so Hotlan said 5 years ahead, after I get my Visa card, he hopes I will take part in this action. And he gave me advises like using water wisely, turning off computer and electronic devices while we are not using them, and so on. Then he gave me this sticker, also.
And I just feel, WOW, that was a Climate Change’s day for me, December the Third, because I opened my day with Green Seminar and I closed it with Green Advises, too. And I just think, maybe the small things I and my friends usually do, like rejecting plastic can be great if all people apply it. I don’t say people do not concern about this awful situation, I believe we all concern, but somehow, I myself also feel like we won’t make it. 

We can’t prevent climate change; we are just too small, only few people care if it’s compared to big companies out there who do not care at all. Our effort will be just useless and it’s better if we stop. But now I realize that we can’t stop. What we can do is influencing as much people as we can to do the same actions. Starting from ourselves, I believe together we can change. We can start remind other people.

I won’t write about what is climate change because I know everyone knows. I just want to serve these pictures, only to remind us all about what will happen if we are careless. We don’t want to live wearing mask and bringing oxygen tube in the future. We don’t want to live in grey color and lose our lovely cute animals and plants. We don’t want to see smoke all day long and miss our beautiful sceneries. It’s horrible. What if 100 years ahead we will have nothing left to be shown to our grand children? What if later the diseases that are spread all over the world because of global warming kill us all? That’s why we should take actions. We can do simple ways and we know these ways well, only sometimes we forget or become too lazy to apply it. We only need to change our behaviors. By changing our behaviors, we will change the world, and I think our actions will be the appreciation for them who stand all day long just like Greenpeace and WWF's activists. At least, we don't take their sacrifice for granted. At least, they don't stand and be tired all day long only to watch our earth is destroyed. 

10 Simple Ways to Stop Global Warming

1. Use energy-saving lamp and don’t forget to turn it off while not being used. Try not to turn on the light while we are sleeping. Besides the fact that it saves energy, it will also prevent us from cancer. Turn on the computer’s monitor while not being used. Don’t set your computer in stand-by position because it costs lot of energy. DO NOT use screensaver.

2. DO NOT LITTER. Even if it’s not our garbage, we can take it and put it in the proper place. It will help other people, too.

3. Choose minimal-packaging product, because it will reduce the cost and also the garbage.

4. DO NOT accept plastics while shopping. Bringing your own shopping bag is better.

5. DO NOT use Styrofoam, because it can’t be decomposed until thousand years.

6. Start to use public transportation. (Government should repair our transportation system, anyway!)

7. Use both side of papers while printing. (Except for thesis, yeah I understand :P)

8. Turn off the AC when we don’t need it. If we are too often being in AC’s room, it can desiccate our skins.

9. When we are on holiday, make sure to “Leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time, and take nothing but pictures”.

10. DO NOT waste water while we are brushing our teeth or washing dish.
There are many ways to prevent Climate Change. Start to educate ourselves by searching for more information. You can visit these sites, also:

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